OPEN OPROEP MNMF Amsterdam, atelierWG

atelierWG in collaboration with Arts Connection Foundation
and Miami New Media Festival is now in its 17th edition and
is launching an open call under the theme of
"Civility vs Violence: Education, Art and Community
as a Way to Embrace Nonviolence"". Video artists of all nationalities living and working
in the Netherlands are invited to submit their work.
The selected videos will be shown at puntWG, Amsterdam
during the last week of November. Registration is open
from 26 September 2022 until November 06, 2022.

Giving continuity to the theme proposed by the MNMF 2022
“Civility vs. Violence”, the proposal for the Amsterdam
edition will focus on the following subject:
Dialogue as a tool that enables the understanding and
comprehension of our differences, in the face of the
increasing actions that polarize and encourage misinformation.
Dialogue understood as a transdisciplinary strategy,
that advocates hybridizing and creating new routes of thought. The dialogue of art with sciences, different technologies,
religion,nature, literature, philosophy, or fiction.

In short, promoting narratives that open up different
perspectives and that allow ourselves in being permeable
identities in continuous transformation.

Conditions and application form:
